In additional to its regular weekday routes, BruinBus offers supplemental services you may not know about.
With Bruins returning to campus this fall, BruinBus will be ramping up its service beginning Monday, September 20.
UCLA Transportation has been hard at work over the past year greening the campus fleet and reducing costs, passing the savings on to university departments. Here is what we've accomplished to serve our customers better.
Public transit agencies that serve UCLA are making service adjustments this summer. Here's what you need to know, and remember that facial coverings are still required while riding public transit.
The BruinBus U901 route will return this summer beginning Monday, June 21 to serve Bruins who are on and around campus.
The UCLA Mobile Testing Bus is bringing COVID-19 tests directly to Bruins who are living or working locally.
Despite the challenges of 2020, UCLA Transportation continued to serve the campus community while also supporting the University's COVID-19 mitigation efforts.
From Semper fi to sustainability, this veteran leads efforts to expand the use of eco-friendly vehicles on the UCLA campus.
The UCLA Mobile Testing Bus provides free COVID-19 testing for Bruins living and working in the local community.
In response to COVID-19, UCLA Transportation has implemented service modifications and additional cleaning protocols to help protect the campus community.