NOTICE: Winter Quarter parking space occupancy has reached maximum capacity. As a result, Winter Quarter student parking exemption requests are no longer being accepted.

Space availability is extremely limited, especially during the academic year, and is not guaranteed. While we highly encourage everyone commuting to campus to choose a sustainable mode of transportation, driving may be the only viable option. During the academic year, UCLA Transportation offers commuting students a quarterly Parking Application for permit requests.
During the Summer Session period, space is less impacted and we do not have a Parking Application. Permits are limited and sold to both commuter and dorm students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students may visit the Bruin ePermit Portal to purchase a Summer Session permit directly.
Note: All dates listed below for Fee and Refund Schedules, Dorm Students and Parking Exemptions, Permit Rates and Dates, and Summer Quarter Parking (All Students) are strictly enforced. If you do not apply on time or pay during the Purchase Period listed in the Permit Rates and Dates, you will forfeit your opportunity to purchase a permit. We cannot and will not make any exceptions for students that forfeited their right to parking because they missed the parking application deadline. We encourage all students to stay up to date and check this page regularly.
During Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, students can apply for parking by following the steps below. A new parking application must be submitted for each parking period except Summer Session. Parking applications must be submitted within the application deadline. (See the Permit Rates and Dates section for more information.)
Students commuting to campus on an infrequent basis will have the option to purchase daily discounted parking via the Bruin ePermit Portal while space is available. This daily discounted student permit will be re-evaluated prior to the start of each quarter and is subject to change based upon space availability.
Note: Dorm, Weyburn, and University Apartment residents are not eligible for daily discounted parking.
How to Apply for Parking
1. Log in to the Bruin ePermit Portal
2. Click on "Add/Edit Student Application"
3. Select ALL available parking structures and order them based on your preference
• Note: If you do not select all available parking structures, you may not be awarded a parking permit due to space availability
4. Submit the application
Detailed instructions with screenshots can be found here. The Transportation office will send out parking offers by email.
Accessible Parking
Registered students enrolled for the current quarter/semester who have a valid Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Disabled Parking Placard must submit a “Special Permit Request” through the Bruin ePermit Portal each term to obtain a parking permit. A copy of their DP Placard/plate registration must be submitted with the request.
Note: Students with a valid permit and DP Placard are able to cross-park in any valid parking stall throughout the campus excluding loading zones, red curbs, and areas not specifically marked as parking stalls (DP Placard must be displayed).
NOTICE: Winter Quarter parking space occupancy has reached maximum capacity. As a result, Winter Quarter student parking exemption requests are no longer being accepted.
How to Apply for an Exemption:
1. Log in to the Bruin ePermit Portal
2. Click on "Special Permit Requests”
3. Select “Dorm/Student Exempt Request”
4. Specify in the “notes” section the criteria for your exemption (see below)
5. Attach required documentation
Exemption Reason | Criteria | Required Documentation |
Child Care | Applicant must be a legal parent or guardian. The child must be newborn-12 years of age, currently attending out-of-home school or day care, or have special needs. | Must provide the following: • Birth certificate, legal documentation, or letter of live birth • Verification of enrollment in school, day care, etc. |
Illness of Family Member | Applicant must be an eligible care provider for a spouse, child, or parent/legal guardian who has a serious health condition. | Must provide the following completed forms: • Certificate for Illness of Family Member's Serious Health Condition • Declaration of Relationship Not Accepted: Care directive, medical records, hospital admission and discharge papers, medical appointment schedules, doctor’s letter or prescription note, x-rays, third party letter, disabled placard, supplemental security income, or state supplement payment |
Recent Death | Applicant must have a recent death of parent/legal guardian, spouse, child, grandparent, aunt or uncle within the previous or current quarter. This exemption is only granted for one quarter. | • Death certificate |
Academic Need/ Professional School | Applicant must provide original documentation of internship required as part of a curriculum, late admission, or re-enrollment after withdrawing. | Must provide one of the following: 1. Signed Course Contract 2. Program/Internship verification and letter from UCLA department confirming internship is part of class curriculum 3. Late admission offer letter or re-enrollment after withdrawing |
Hilgard Graduate Housing | Applicants must have a contract with UCLA graduate housing and have applied for parking. | • Letter of parking waitlist |
Job Commute - Residence Hall and tenants living in Gayley Court Apartments, Gayley Heights Apartments, Glenrock Apartments, Gayley Towers, Glenrock West Apartments, Landfair Apartments, Landfair Vista Apartments, Laurel Apartments, Levering Terrace Apartments, Palo Verde, Tipuana Apartments, Westwood Chateau Apartments, or Westwood Palms Apartments Only • Commuter students are ineligible
| Application must have a local*, verifiable**, current***, and regularly scheduled off-campus job or paid internship within the last two calendar months. *Must drive to an off-campus work site **Not paid via cash only ***Within the last two calendar months | Must provide a 1099-MISC or a dated letter from your employer on company letterhead* verifying your employment status, date of hire, work address (street, city, state, and zip code) and pay duration, and must provide one of the following: 1. Two recent paystubs dated within the last two calendar months from exemption submission date. 2. Bank statement verifying two recent direct deposits within the last two calendar months from exemption submission date. 3. Two recent company-canceled checks** (front and back copy is required) dated within the last two calendar months from exemption submission date. *A new, up-to-date letter is required every academic quarter. **Canceled checks are checks that have been paid by the bank they are drawn on. After the money is deducted the bank will cancel the check, so it can no longer be used and is marked as processed by the bank. For checks deposited via banking apps, please include a copy of the front and back of the check and corresponding deposit on your bank statement, or a copy of your recent bank activity verifying the check cleared. Failure to submit all required documentation will result in the request being denied. |
Veteran | Applicant must have Veteran Readiness and Employment/Rehab Authorization. | Must provide the following: • Completed form from the Department of Rehabilitation or the Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment |
Olympic Athlete (or an Olympic Team or training for the Olympics) | Applicant is training for the Olympics at an offsite location. | Verifiable on the US Olympic website or a letter on letterhead from the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee. And a letter on letterhead from their training facility confirming the training facility’s offsite address and frequency of how often they train. |
Note: Parking exemption requests submitted due to missed parking application deadline or missed payment deadline will not be considered. Exemptions remain confidential and all supporting documentation will be destroyed at the end of each quarter. Decisions regarding exemption requests will be sent via email. Exemptions cannot be guaranteed, completed, or processed over the phone.
For students with other eligibility needs, please see the resources below:
• Students seeking disability-related accommodations on the basis of an accessibility need who do not have a Disabled Parking Placard, and are unable to acquire a parking permit otherwise, should review the information under "Parking Accommodations" on the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) website. If you do not qualify for a state-issued disability placard, the CAE can assess if parking would be a reasonable accommodation due to a disability-related reason, on a case-by-case basis, and as a temporary interim measure.
• Students in crisis whose needs are outside of those listed above may qualify for temporary need-based parking. To request access to purchase a parking space, please complete this form. Spots are limited and are not guaranteed.
Weyburn Terrace student residents will need to contact the University Apartments North Administration Office at (310) 983-1300 to inquire about parking access. Weyburn student residents are not eligible for parking outside of the visitor parking options on campus.
Graduate students in a professional school are able to purchase their permits through the Bruin ePermit Portal with no application required.
Students commuting to campus on an infrequent basis will have the option to purchase daily discounted parking via the Bruin ePermit Portal for Spring Quarter. This daily discounted student permit will be re-evaluated prior to the start of each quarter moving forward and is subject to change based upon space availability.
Note: Dorm and Weyburn residents are not eligible for daily discounted parking.
Professional schools include the following:
• School of Law
• School of Education
• Luskin School of Public Policy, Social Welfare, and Urban Planning
• Graduate School of Nursing
• School of Public Health
• Anderson Graduate School of Management
• School of the Arts and Architecture
• School of Theater Film and Television
• School of Dentistry
School of Medicine Students
Instructions to request parking can be found on the DGSOM website in the Parking drop-down under the Housing and Transportation section.
Student parking is offered on a prioritization basis, rather than the application submission date.
The priority order is as follows:
• Graduate Students
• Eligible Regent Scholars
• Upperclassmen (Seniors and Juniors)
• Underclassmen (Sophomores and Freshmen)
Please note: Regent Scholars are guaranteed parking provided they meet the application and parking deadlines.
All students participating in a carpool must submit a Parking Application by the quarterly deadline. Registered student commuters who qualify for a carpool permit during the application period are given priority parking at a discounted rate for a two-person, three-person, or four-person carpool. A new carpool application, by each participating member, must be submitted for each parking period during the academic year. Carpool permits are not available for Summer Sessions.
In each carpool group, all members will be responsible for submitting both of the following:
1. Student Parking Application (excluding Professional School Students)
2. Special Permit Request
Professional School Students: All members must submit a “Special Permit Request” through the Bruin ePermit Portal before purchasing their permit. A new carpool application, by each participating member, must be submitted for each parking period with the exception of Summer Session.
Student Carpool Eligibility Guidelines
• The primary carpool member will be responsible for submitting payment
• All carpool members must be registered students for the quarter/semester they need permit access
• All members must commute to campus together a minimum of three days per week (Monday-Friday)
• All members must live in areas that facilitate a logical commute pattern. We reserve the right to define a “logical commute pattern” as a commute route that includes the following:
1. A route from start to finish that is continuously and logically heading toward campus
2. The majority of carpool members must be present for the majority of the commute in accordance with the type of carpool permit being requested
• Carpool members cannot live in zip code 90024 or live in the residence halls
• Carpool members cannot purchase any other subsidized program offers, including transit passes
Parking permit rates and dates are updated for each fiscal year. The most current permit rates are available on our Parking Rates and Fees page. Payment period dates are subject to change without notification. Continue to check the website for the most up-to-date information.
Undergraduate and Non-Professional Graduate Students
Fall Quarter | Winter Quarter | Spring Quarter | |
Application Period | August 5 - 25, 2024 | October 28 - November 17, 2024 | February 10 - March 2, 2025 |
Payment Period | September 3 - 7, 2024 | December 2 - 6, 2024 | March 10 - 14, 2025 |
Permit Effective Dates | September 16 - December 31, 2024 | January 1 - March 23, 2025 | March 24 - June 15, 2025 |
Quarter Begins | September 23, 2024 | January 2, 2025 | March 24, 2025 |
Instruction Begins | September 26, 2024 | January 6, 2025 | March 31, 2025 |
Professional Graduate Students
Fall Quarter | Winter Quarter | Spring Quarter | |
Available for Purchase | August 26 - December 31, 2024 | November 25, 2024 - March 23, 2025 | March 3 - June 15, 2025 |
Permit Effective Dates | September 16 - December 31, 2024 | January 1 - March 23, 2025 | March 24 - June 15, 2025 |
Quarter Begins | September 23, 2024 | January 2, 2025 | March 24, 2025 |
Instruction Begins | September 26, 2024 | January 6, 2025 | March 31, 2025 |
Law School | fall semester | spring semester |
Available for Purchase | July 29 - December 31, 2024 | November 25, 2024 - May 18, 2025 |
Permit Effective Dates | August 12 - December 31, 2024 | January 1 - May 18, 2025 |
Instruction Begins | August 14, 2024 (Short Course) August 26, 2024 | January 2, 2025 (Short Course) January 16, 2025 |
Summer Quarter Parking
All summer permits for student parking are first come first served. Daily discounted parking is available for commuter students through the Bruin ePermit Portal.
summer Quarter | Session A | session c | |
Available for Purchase | June 3 - September 15, 2024 | June 3 - August 4, 2024 | June 3 - September 15, 2024 |
Permit Effective Dates | June 17 - September 15, 2024 | June 17 - August 4, 2024 | August 5 - September 15, 2024 |
Information for students experiencing a financial crisis can be found in the section below.
OneBill Initiative
The OneBill Initiative consolidates your regular-term Tuition, Housing, Parking, and Transit student fees into a single BruinBill account called Regular Term Bill. The OneBill Initiative makes billing support straightforward by providing a centralized location for billing inquiries. When you reach the purchase screen you will only see the BruinBill option available. After completing your transaction, your Parking charge will be applied to your Regular Term Bill and all financial payments will be paid through your BruinBill account. For more information please visit
Cancellations & Refunds
University students must cancel their parking permit upon withdrawal, academic leave, or a one-term absence from the university if they paid for parking. Quarterly Permit Refunds are based on a 14-day proration from the first Monday of a permit's effective date. The refund amount is calculated from the cost of the permit minus the 14-day cost of daily parking. There are no refunds for daily, weekly, or monthly permits.
If a long-term permit holder purchases a daily permit, refunds will not be issued, no exceptions. Long-term permits allow parking throughout the duration of the permit, and the purchase of a daily permit is not necessary as the long-term permit provides parking privileges. You will be liable for all permit fees, including daily permits and any other active permits.
How to Cancel a Permit
1. Visit the Bruin ePermit Portal and click “LOGIN” in the upper right-hand corner
2. Select "UCLA Logon" and enter your information
3. Select “Permits” from the top navigation bar
4. Click on “View Your Permits” from the drop-down menu
5. Click on the permit you wish to cancel
6. Click the “Return Permit” button
7. Click on the “Reason for Return” drop down menu
8. Select the reason for your return
9. Click the “Submit” button to finalize your transaction
Financial aid budgets and awards available to our student population include transportation/commuting costs and fees. The UC Office of the President administers a Cost of Attendance Survey (COAS) every three years to a sample of the UC undergraduate population including UCLA students. The information collected from the COAS is used to estimate the total cost of attendance at UC campuses for students, including day-to-day expenses such as commuting fees. The results of the survey are used to directly influence the financial aid policies and programs for the student population.
The Economic Crisis Response Team (ECR TEAM) provides support and guidance to students who have self-identified, or are identified by UCLA faculty or staff, as experiencing a financial crisis that impacts their academic success at UCLA. They aim to efficiently, compassionately and discreetly:
1. Provide a seamless and individualized response to UCLA students in extraordinary financial crisis.
2. Develop proposals for actions to examine (and revise, when appropriate) university policies and office protocols in order to improve students' ability to manage their financial situations and avoid economic crisis.
For more information please visit the ECRT website.
Under the authority delegated by the Chancellor, no individual or department other than UCLA Transportation may grant parking privileges on campus. The violation of parking regulations is subject to disciplinary and legal action, including but not limited to recall of parking permit, imposing fines, withholding fines, placing holds on Student Records, and revocation of parking privileges. As such, we encourage all students to keep the following regulations in mind:
- Permits are not transferable.
- Resale is prohibited and will subject both buyer and seller to disciplinary action.
- Unauthorized use of a UCLA Parking Permit by an individual not registered with UCLA Transportation may result in cancellation of parking privileges.
- Attempting to purchase a parking permit from any entity or person other than UCLA Transportation will result in loss of parking for a minimum of one year or longer depending on the circumstances involved.
- The resale or attempted resale of a permit may result in loss of parking for up to four years and/or a referral to the Dean of Students for violating the Student Code of Conduct.
NOTE: If you are offered parking by an entity outside of UCLA Transportation, we advise that you keep copies of your communications with those parties and ensure that the parking they are offering is legitimate and following the UCLA Parking Regulations.