There are both physical and mental health benefits to walking. Whether you’re walking to work, a meeting, or Westwood for lunch and errands, you’re doing something for yourself and our environment.
To get started:
- Think, "move more, sit less." It is a change in thought that creates a change in behavior.
- Consider wearing a pedometer. Check your steps over the course of a typical week to find your baseline level of activity. Then, add on from there. Work up to 30-60 minutes (or 2-4 miles) of purposeful walking per day. Take longer walks on some days. Take shorter, faster walks on a variety of terrain on other days.
- Remember to stretch often.
- And do not forget to smell the roses! Enjoy your walk!
Safety Tips
We have all heard of vehicle and driver safety, and the importance of remembering safety rules in our daily job duties, but what about pedestrian safety? We are all pedestrians at some point in our day, and with such a dense campus population, the safety of pedestrians traveling throughout UCLA streets and surrounding communities is extremely important.
- Walk on sidewalks and in crosswalks whenever possible.
- Look left, then right, then left again, before you step into the street.
- Be careful of blind spots, or "No-Zones," around cars, trucks and buses when walking near or around them. Always assume the driver does not know you are there.
- Use caution when crossing intersections and streets. You may think vehicles will stop for you, but they may not see you and may not be able to stop in time.
- Before entering the street, make eye contact with any drivers stopped at the corner.
- Make yourself visible by wearing bright or reflective clothing, especially when walking at night. Dressing to be seen will make it safer for you and other drivers.