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Special Events & Courtesy Parking

Special Events & Courtesy Parking is dedicated to providing practical parking solutions for guests while maintaining parking availability for UCLA permit holders. Successful management of event parking relies on balancing the needs of all stakeholders involved.  

In order to guarantee a high level of service, approval of event parking requests are dependent on space availability, which is more flexible after business hours (4:30 p.m. or later Monday – Friday and all day on weekends). Within regular business hours, we highly encourage UCLA departments to promote other transportation options such as public transit and ride-hailing.

For additional information, please email

  • Courtesy Parking is parking for non-affiliated UCLA guests charged to on-campus departments via FAU (Recharge ID), or off-campus entities and student organizations via invoice
  • General Parking is parking that is paid for by guests

To better serve our campus partners and provide exceptional customer service, UCLA Transportation has developed new ways to facilitate special events and courtesy parking. Event coordinators can now use the Bruin ePermit portal to facilitate parking for their guests.

Bruin ePermit Courtesy Parking:

This new feature enables guests to obtain courtesy parking through the Bruin ePermit portal. After requesting Bruin ePermit courtesy parking, coordinators provide guests with a unique URL to create an account and register their vehicle’s license plate the day before the event.

This option allows for departments to pay for their guest's parking and for their guests to park in campus locations without visitor parking. Coordinators can also use this feature for large events taking place after 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends.

Please be advised that Bruin ePermit courtesy parking requests are subject to approval. Departments will only be billed for the number of transactions completed. Once a customer has acquired a courtesy permit, cancellations, including but not limited to deleting a purchase link or returning a customer’s permit, will not be permitted.

Is this option for you?

  • CSR assistance needed
  • Large and small events
  • Park in designated areas, not visitor locations
  • Department pays for parking

Bruin ePermit Event Parking:

This self-service feature streamlines and simplifies parking requests for large events (150+ vehicles) taking place after 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends. Customers no longer need to wait in long lines to pay and park. The Bruin ePermit portal allows event customers the ability to purchase event parking online and in advance.

To request your event to the portal, please contact us at

Please be advised that all requests are subject to approval. Once a customer purchases an event parking permit, cancellations, including but not limited to returning a customer’s permit, will not be permitted. There are no parking refunds for event parking permits.

Is this option for you?

  • Use Bruin ePermit site without logging in
  • Self-service Large groups
  • Customer pays prior to arriving
  • Designated parking locations

Departmental event organizers with TSREQ access can request Courtesy Parking for non-affiliated UCLA guests. Authorized department FAUs are recharged for the parking services, so guests can park hassle-free. If you do not have TSREQ designation, please contact your Departmental Security Administrator (DSA) to gain authorization.

Please note, space availability during regular business hours is extremely limited. Departments should only request the amount of parking needed in order to maintain parking availability for other on-campus departments requesting coupon codes.

Requests expecting 25 or more vehicles must be made at least five business days in advance.

Available Options (1-25 Vehicles):



Available Options (25+ Vehicles): 


  • Event Coupon Code: A unique Coupon Code for the self-service pay station machines in visitor parking areas. Unlike the Automated Coupon Codes, Event Coupon Codes have unlimited uses and are billed at the daily parking rate based on the amount of times the code is used. This option is only available for events taking place after business hours (after 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday and all day on weekends). To request a coupon code during business hours, please use the Automated Coupon Code System.
  • Physical Parking Stall Reservation: Parking stalls may be temporarily reserved for a specific time frame under an event name. This option is highly recommended for VIP guests and events; however, approval is subject to availability.

On-campus UCLA Departments are encouraged to direct guests to park in the visitor (pay-by-plate) parking areas.

Available Options:

  • Self-Service Pay Stations

    Self-service pay stations are in all visitor parking areas. Visitors must pay for parking right after you park. Pay station permits are not valid in parking stalls posted for Blue or X permits or otherwise reserved. More information on locations, rates, and hours of operation can be found on our Visitor Parking page
  • Parkmobile (Pay-by-Phone)

    ParkMobile is available in visitor parking areas, as well as in all areas for those with a Disabled Placard. More information can be found on our Visitor Parking page

Off-campus event organizers include student clubs/organizations, Associated Students of UCLA (ASUCLA), and non-UCLA affiliates such as non-profit organizations and private companies hosting events on-campus. During business hours (7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday) parking space is extremely limited. Approval is subject to parking space availability.

To inquire about parking at UCLA, please email with the following information:

  • Event Name
  • Event Date and Time Frame
  • Parking location(s) requested
  • Number of Vehicles Expected
  • Off-Campus billing address to be invoiced for courtesy parking

UCLA departments with cross-campus events are encouraged to have their UCLA-affiliated guests walk, rideshare, and use BruinBus services. 

Please Note: It is against UC Policy for any UCLA affiliate (faculty, staff, or student) to receive courtesy (complimentary) parking using departmental funds, as it is considered additional income (University of California Policy, PPSM-30).

Available Options:

  • Bruin Bus is a year-round bus serving the UCLA campus and Wilshire Center. Everyone is welcome to board at one of our many stops. For more information, please visit the BruinBus page.
  • Active Bruin ePemit Holders (Faculty & Staff) can request a “Transfer Permit” to cross-park in an alternate lot or structure on campus at no additional cost according to the privileges of your permit type. Check the Parking Permit Privileges for details.
    • You can obtain a 1-Day cross-parking permit through the Bruin ePermit Portal, excluding Night and Weekend permit holders. The 1-Day cross parking permit is valid for same-day use only.
    • Faculty and staff may receive a maximum of five (5) cross-parking permits per quarter.
    • Please note, Cross Parking (Transfer) Permits will vary depending on parking space availability.
    • To request a “Transfer Permit” please follow these instructions.
  • Sustainable Transportation Options include public transportation and ride-hailing.
ServiceUCLA/internal RATEnon-ucla/external rate
Automated Coupon Code (Less than 25 vehicles)             $15 per usage ($27 per use in premium parking areas*)                              $16 per usage ($30 per use in premium parking areas*)  
Event Coupon Code (After business hours/25+ vehicles)$15 per usage$16 per usage
Reserved Parking Spaces and Related Fees (See Barricade Labor and Material Fee Matrix below)$15 per space + Barricade Labor and Material Fee(s).$16 per space + Barricade Labor and Material Fee(s).
Parking Space Rental: General Campus$218 per month$404 per month
Parking Space Rental: RRUCLAMC Long-Term Rental$1,091 per month$1,200 per month
Parking Space Rental: Medical Areas$1,091 per month$1,200 per month
Traffic Direction**$94.28 per specialist/hour (min. 3 hrs. including travel time)Same as UCLA/internal rate
K-Rail Rental$74.63 per daySame as UCLA/internal rate
Barricade Rental$14.47 per daySame as UCLA/internal rate
Cone Rental$3.99 per daySame as UCLA/internal rate
Changeable Message Sign Rental$304.61 per daySame as UCLA/internal rate

*Lot 5, RC, and Law School pay-by-plate are considered premium parking areas. 

**Traffic Direction may be necessary for events that are likely to cause significant impacts to campus, such as events with over 1,000 expected vehicles or events with buses.

Barricade Labor and Material Fees

# of Barricadeshourly costmaterial feelabor and material fees***
1 to 10$4.98$30.00$34.98
11 to 20$9.96$30.00$39.96
21 to 30$14.94$30.00$44.94
31 to 40$19.92$30.00$49.92
41 to 50$24.90$30.00$54.90

***Any amount of barricades over fifty (50) will be charged in increments of fifty (50). For example, if there is a request for fifty-five (55) barricades, the cost will be $54.90 for the first fifty (50) and a second charge of $54.90 for the extra five (5) barricades for a total charge of $109.80.