UCLA Transportation is committed to promoting access and mobility in an environmentally responsible manner. Because space on campus is extremely limited and emissions impact our environment, we highly recommend sharing your commute with others or participating in active transportation.
For questions regarding commute options, email transportation@ts.ucla.edu.

Public Transit
UCLA Transportation subsidizes UCLA student and employee transit pass costs for several transit agencies throughout LA County. Taking public transit allows you to relax, sleep, study, or read on your way to campus, and avoid the hassle of driving through traffic. Students have access to fare-free rides with the Bruin U-Pass for undergrads and the Bruin Grad Pass for eligible graduate students. All other Bruins new to riding transit may be eligible for a free quarterly transit pass through the Bruin Commuter Transit Benefit program.
Subsidized Transit Passes:
- Bruin U-Pass (for undergraduate students)
- Bruin Grad Pass (for eligible graduate students)
- Commuter All-Access Pass

Join in on a carpool or form your own with fellow Bruins within the UCLA community.
Whether you are a student, faculty, or staff member, carpooling can save you time and money. You will be able to access high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and share the cost of gas and other car-related expenses. Riding in a carpool is also a more environmentally friendly alternative to a single rider commute.
To find a carpool buddy within the UCLA community, visit the UCLA Trip Planner when you form a carpool or join an existing one. You can extend your savings even further by applying together for a reduced fee permit, make more friends and get more smiles-per-gallon!
Visit our Carpool Planning Guide for more information about forming a carpool and permit requirements.

Riding a bicycle to campus is a sustainable, economical, and healthy alternative to driving alone. Bicycle commuters can take advantage of over 3,500 bike racks and lockers located throughout campus, as well as these additional benefits:
Eligible employees and graduate students can join the Earn-A-Bike program and receive a free $900 bicycle package in exchange for their parking permit. Bike Benefits are also available to employees once per fiscal year ($100 value), which include a Commuter Passport from UCLA Recreation for access to shower/locker facilities on campus.
The UCLA Bike Shop offers DIY repairs, commuter group rides, and a variety of free classes and resources.

When you walk to campus, across campus for a meeting, or to Westwood for lunch and errands, you are doing something worthwhile for yourself and the environment. Studies show that walking promotes physical and mental health in addition to making a valuable contribution to cleaner air. For walking benefits and tips, visit UCLA Walking.

Private vanpool vendors offer an alternative to driving your personal vehicle. Participants privately lease seven or ten-seat vehicles and commute together from common pick up locations across Southern California. They have access to HOV lanes, toll lanes, vehicle upkeep and maintenance services, and appreciation perks.
Please note these private vendors operate separately from the University and have no affiliation with UCLA Transportation. For more information, please visit our Vanpool page.

Campus Parking
Space is an extremely limited resource on campus. Although we highly recommend using sustainable transportation options, we understand that is not viable for everyone. To park in UCLA facilities, UCLA Transportation offers drivers parking permit options. Faculty and staff may contact their department Commute Coordinator for more information on permit availability and pay via payroll deduction, while students may apply each quarter.
Student parking is not guaranteed, and access for a single occupancy vehicle permit is offered based on a prioritization process rather than the application submission date. An application must be submitted by the parking application deadline, and the priority order is as follows:
- Graduate Students
- Eligible Regent Scholars
- Upperclassmen (Seniors and Juniors)
- Underclassmen (Sophomores and Freshmen)
Guaranteed Ride Home
The Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program provides a safety net for employees who use sustainable transportation to get to campus without the worry of getting stranded due to illness, unexpected overtime, or another qualifying emergency. In the event of a valid emergency, GRH ensures that employees using sustainable transportation will be reimbursed up to two times per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
Participants must be current UCLA staff or faculty with no active UCLA single occupancy parking permit (carpool permits are eligible). Learn more about the program and what qualifies as a valid GRH emergency.