Take advantage of convenient routes and schedules on SCT Commuter Express bus (Route 797/ 792), offering direct service between several Santa Clarita Valley communities and UCLA/Westwood.
SCT Commuter Express is included in the Bruin U-Pass for undergraduates, Bruin Grad Pass for eligible graduate students, and Commuter All-Access Pass for all other Bruins.
Commuter All-Access Pass
Quarter | ucla rate | sales dates | effective dates |
Spring 2025 | $60 | 3/10/25 - 6/1/25 | 3/24/25 - 6/15/25 |
Summer 2025 | $60 | 6/2/25 - 8/31/25 | 6/16/25 - 9/14/25 |
Fall 2025 | $60 | 9/1/25 - 12/7/25 | 9/15/25 - 12/21/25 |
Santa Clarita Transit Pass Information
- Commuters may also use their SCT pass to ride local SCT bus routes.
- If you are already a Santa Clarita pass holder, it is recommended that you register your TAP card as soon as possible by calling 1 (866) TAP-TOGO or by visiting the TAP website. Registration is free and the process only takes a few minutes. Having your card registered will allow you to receive a replacement pass if your TAP card is lost or stolen. If you lose an unregistered TAP card, you will not be able to receive a replacement pass, nor will you be eligible for a second subsidized pass for that quarter.