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Recent Blog Articles
Christine Romero McCoy takes the healthy route to her work at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
Save time and money when you carpool to campus!
Our popular Earn-A-Bike program is back! UCLA employees and graduate students can get a free $900 bicycle package in exchange for their parking permit.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
Bicycle commuting to campus turns a mundane and frustrating drive into a fun and wonder-filled ride for UCLA Recreation employee Nate Woiwode.
Ditch the drive to spare the air.
Ditching the drive made UCLA staff member Joyce Liu's trips smoother and more serene.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
Is LA traffic causing you delays? Then Captain Commute is here to save the day! He’s helping Bruins fight gridlock by encouraging them to “Ditch the Drive!” during Sustainable Transportation Month this October.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
Happily ever after could be right around the corner if you ride the BruinBus.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
The new Bruin U-Pass provides UCLA undergraduate students fare-free access to all transit agencies throughout LA County including those serving UCLA.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
This week's biggest headlines in transportation.
Bringing decades of experience in higher education administration, Lucas will lead the department in improving access to campus.