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New Technology Is Making Transit Cleaner and Contact-Free

Metrolink cleaning with electrostatic sprayer

Transit agencies are taking health and safety seriously to ensure that both passengers and bus drivers are protected. UCLA Transportation and our transit partners have enacted proactive measures including increased cleaning and modified schedules that allow for greater physical distancing. Advances in technology are also playing a part to keep buses and trains sanitary, and payments contact-free. Here are some of the high-tech ways that are making transit safer for everyone onboard.

Electrostatic Sprayers

Used by airlines to disinfect their cabins, electrostatic sprayers are now being adopted by transit agencies to clean buses, trains, and stations. It applies a fine mist that clings to hard-to-reach surfaces and dries within an hour. The disinfectant is non-toxic and is EPA-approved for use against COVID-19. Metrolink is currently using electrostatic sprayers to clean its trains daily. Watch the video below to see it in action.

UV Light

Another technology that's being tested by transit agencies is UV light. Already used by airlines and hospitals to kill viruses, UV light has been shown to kill more than 99.9% of seasonal coronaviruses. LA Metro is currently exploring the use of UV lights for the additional disinfection of its rail vehicles.

Mobile Payments

TAP cards have made fare collection easier by eliminating the need for riders to have cash on hand. Coming soon, you won't even need a card as TAP will be available on your iPhone or Apple Watch later this year. You will also be able to pay and manage your account with the new TAP mobile app, making the process of buying and collecting fare entirely contact-free. This is in addition to a line of wearables that TAP introduced last year, including two wristbands and a mini-keychain.

Photo Credit: Metrolink