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Crucial Tips for Staying Cool on Your Commute When it's Hot

Big Blue bus stop

Commuters coming in hot! With temperatures heating up this week, whether commuting to campus for the workday or summer session, here's how to maintain your cool and not let the warm weather dampen your trip to and time at UCLA. 

Dress Accordingly 

This season's dress code is light fabrics in light colors.

Remember that while you'll start the day moving through the sweltering summer heat, your final destination may be a frigid office or cold classroom with the air conditioning pumping. Here's where layers like a lightweight cardigan or sweater come in handy.

Stay Hydrated

H2O always does a body good but is even more important in warm weather. Make sure to consume lots of fluids when you’re out and about in high temperatures. 

Besides drinking up, be mindful of your breakfast meal's impact. Avoid sugar and salt as high intakes of each can dehydrate your body very quickly. 

You can also take a cold can of soda or frozen bottle of water and roll it on your pulse points (wrists, neck, elbows) to help cool your body down. 

Pack A Fan

A little breeze can make a big difference so consider bringing a portable battery-operated fan or other handheld iteration along for that bus or rail ride.

Swap Your Stuff

Trade the heavy backpack that will cling to your body for a less damp-inducing tote that will be more comfortable as the temperature rises. 

Distract Yourself

Tune out the rising temperatures with a good distraction like a podcast, book, or calming meditation. 

Actively Cool 

For those with a walk or bike commute, try to give yourself extra time so you can go at a manageable pace, especially if the heat gets intense. Look for a shadier route too. And for an instant refresh if you got sweaty, use deodorant wipes. Quality sunglasses are also a must for UVA/UVB protection. Apply sunscreen as well. 

Chill At Home

Working remotely? Invest in a portable air cooler, play around with your schedule and location, unplug and switch off devices you don't need, and open the windows at night. 

Photo Credit: Santa Monica Big Blue Bus